
Friday, December 29, 2017

Morning Reflection: You are Enough

What do you do when too much is never enough?

Have you ever known someone who acquired so much of something, and was never happy? I was one of those people, but my acquisition was food. No matter how much I ate, it never seemed to be enough.

I realize now that I used food as my drug of choice, to try to dull the pain I was feeling. The pain of self defeating beliefs, of loneliness, of frustration. The pain of being a flawed human being.

But no matter how much I ate, it was never enough.

In life, we sometimes seek to acquire something that we think will make us whole, complete, adequate or enough. Usually though, what we are chasing is external, and can never make us truly happy. Often, we think that acquiring enough of something will make up for a huge lack we feel in one of our essential needs, and believe that we will be happy then.

True happiness comes not from knowing that you are enough, but from knowing that you don’t have to be.

True peace comes from letting go of the comparisons that beset us, and instead listening to the truth from inside of us. That is difficult because it requires us to make peace with ourselves, but how will we ever have peace with the world if we have it not in our own heart.

Listening to our own truth requires humility, dedication, courage and above all, quietness.

Just know that you don’t have to be enough. You are, and that is enough.

Just be.


Dr. Alan Barnes

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