
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Morning Reflection: The Resonance of Purpose

The resonance of purpose.

Sound resonates, wine glasses resonate, and energy resonates. So, I’ve discovered, does purpose.

As I step into the uncertainty of what I believe my purpose can be, I am learning to listen more intently to my thoughts and feelings.

As someone who probably should be diagnosed with ADD, listening to my inner thoughts can often be exhausting.

But the more I try to quiet my life so that I can better hear the sound of my purpose, I am achieving a greater clarity. This is not to imply that I know where things are going, quite the opposite, but at the times when my planning and performance intersect with my purpose, there is a greater degree of resonance.

That manifests in curious ways, such as the knowledge of the right words that will open the floodgates of joy for someone, or helping another person cross a difficult emotional bridge.

Over the last year it has been a humbling privilege to have been of assistance to people, using what I believe are my true gifts, to assist them in finding direction in their struggles and challenges.

Resonance, I have come to understand, is the guidepost to purpose. When a situation resonates, when my gifts and skills align with my desire to help others, and I feel that deep sense of purpose resonate within me, that is the Universe beckoning me onward. To lift, to serve, to inspire.

I have spent the last 30 years of my life trying to understand myself, sometimes pushing through despair and sadness, feeling like I was lost. I still don’t know where I am going, but I feel like I am moving forward.

And for now, that has to be enough. I would prefer to know my destination, but instead I will try for humility to accept my current progress, to serve where I am, and the courage to take the next steps on this journey.

Where are you going?
Dr. Alan Barnes

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