
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Morning Reflection: How do you find your truths?

How do you find your truths?

Absolute truth is in short supply in this universe. Many of the truths we cling to are not as certain as we would like them to be. Often, our ‘truth’ is rooted in our hopes, faith, dreams, desires, needs, wants and fears.

Frequently, the truth that we seek is inside of us, but it may be that we don’t see it yet. Many of us have discovered self truths by accident, and occasionally by intent.

Sometimes, the ‘truths’ that we cling to about ourselves are nothing more than mistaken childhood beliefs carried into adulthood because we never question them.

I have found great benefit in asking questions of myself.

But in doing so, I have to be willing to accept the answers that I receive, even when they are scary, painful, and overwhelming.

I have found that being able to suspend judgment, fear and doubt through meditation has enabled me to ask myself questions, and then wait patiently for my mind to supply me with answers.

When a potential answer comes, I feel how it resonates within my soul. This is a difficult process, but when I truly give my mind permission to reveal truth unto me, I find that answers will flow, and from that process, a new direction and understanding will emerge.

Today, I invite you to discover more of your own truths. In quiet meditation, ask yourself the questions that you wish to have answered, then sit without judgment and explore the inspiration that comes to you.

In the quiet times, the beauty of the soul opens to reveal the truths of your existence and destiny.

May you find your way, and live it well.

-- Dr. Alan Barnes

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